God of truth and God of justice

Very few hymns have been written specifically about climate change and those that have tend to focus on how we have damaged the environment. This hymn aims to correct this imbalance by presenting climate justice as the central issue. It acknowledges that the power imbalances are at the heart of the climate crisis and calls Christians to oppose these. The suggested tune is a Welsh … Continue reading God of truth and God of justice

Singing our vision

This hymn is more about the wider ecological emergency than it is about the specifics of climate change but still feels at home within this collection. Few people will appreciate the differences between the songs of different birds, and this may offer an opportunity to play some recordings to introduce the hymn to the congregation and explore this aspect of biodiversity. The bird names are … Continue reading Singing our vision

Like a butterfly

As this blog-site demonstrates I am fascinated by the use of the butterfly as a Christian symbol. Although a search of “butterfly as Christian symbol” will find several sites making claims that this is part of Christain tradition, I’ve yet to see one that cites a convincing example. Anyway, even if the Buttefly hasn’t been used in this context before, I firmly believe it should … Continue reading Like a butterfly