Ecochurch Resources

Excel Spreadsheet

An Excel version of the Eco Church Survey so that you can track how you are getting on off-line and make easier decisions about how to progress most efficiently to the next level. Click here to download. (Note that it includes a number of “macros” for easier use – don’t be put off if your computer warns you that it may be harmful).

Ecochurch cards

These are printable cards to allow a group of people to work together to plan a strategy for obtaining your next Ecochurch award. Print the cards out, fill in the points you already have, fill in the points you have the potential to achieve and then sort them into priority order for you church. Write the priority on the card and then go away and put each one into action.

Note the point of Ecochurch isn’t just to win points but the point values do reflect the relative importance that A Rocha have placed on the each item. Why not reflect on this as you go through the process and reflect on whether you feel they have got the relative values correct.

There is one .pdf file for each Ecochurch category. Click on the links below to download. Print out two sided to have a colour coded reverse side, or print odd pages for only the useful side of the cards. Cut the sheets into individual cards, and you are ready to go.