Like a butterfly

As this blog-site demonstrates I am fascinated by the use of the butterfly as a Christian symbol. Although a search of “butterfly as Christian symbol” will find several sites making claims that this is part of Christain tradition, I’ve yet to see one that cites a convincing example. Anyway, even if the Buttefly hasn’t been used in this context before, I firmly believe it should !

This hymn explores how this image might be developed in the context of the current ecological emergencies. At first singing, the hymn might seem to be limited to a call to personal transformation. The final verse, however, presents personal transformation as an inspiration for the wider system change that is now required.

Like a caterpillar feeding,
eating each and every leaf,
our consumption reeks of madness,
recklessness beyond belief.
Adverts prompt another purchase,
peer group pressure drives us on,
using up creation’s bounty,
till our last resource is gone.

Like a chrysalis pupating,
changing form within its tomb,
we must look for resurrection,
rebirth from our life of doom.
If we live our lives more simply,
listen to what Jesus said,
we can live within earth’s boundaries,
sharing out our daily bread.

Like a butterfly emerging,
fresh wings drying in the sun,
showing all our re-creation,
marker of new lives begun.
Help us bring the Christian message,
of a new hope for this earth,
freed from living for consumption,
freed for greening and rebirth.

Can be sung to several tunes of metre 87.87D, I suggest Bethany by Henry Smart. Try this singalong video or download the PowerPoint at this link.

Like a butterfly © 2023 by Richard Baker is published under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International licence which means that you can use it wherever you like as long as you attribute authorship and that you can adapt it anyway you wish as long as any publication of such an adaptation is under the same terms.

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