New Year 2050

This is the second song for communal singing that I’ve written this week (click here to view the other). This one was inspired by an exercise we were given to spend three minutes writing a piece starting “As new year dawns in 2050 … “. I have spent a little longer than three minutes though!

To the tune of Londonderry Air (Danny Boy).

As new year dawns so bright in 2050,
As people wake to greet the coming day,
They join in thanks that years of gloom and panic,
have led the world to find a better way.
The frost’s return is cause for celebration,
It marks a cooling of this precious earth,
And all can join in joyful jubilation,
and sing with growing hope of greening and rebirth.

The oil and gas that once was so polluting,
Remains untapped, asleep below the ground,
And panels drink the energy of sunlight.
The wind keeps turbines spinning round and round.
Polluted rivers now flow clear and cleanly,
The silenced forests once more find their voice.
And all of nature now can thrive and flourish,
And all of humankind can wonder and rejoice.

The corporate greed, that wasted,now is vanquished,
The rich have found new ways to share their wealth,
All people’s basic needs have now been satisfied,
Nutritious food has led to blooming health.
Throughout the world all people work together,
Children are born in hope and not in fear.
The future opens up with possibility,
Give thanks and celebrate the coming of this year.

Here’s a singalong video:

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